Hey guys! Miss me? So I realize that I have been a bit remiss in our relationship. Haha. But I have good reason. I have been working out at ...

oh hai

19:24 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey guys! Miss me?

So I realize that I have been a bit remiss in our relationship. Haha. But I have good reason. I have been working out at the gym several times a week, and have lost 20 lbs in the past 10 weeks. What this means is that none of my clothes fit.

I have never really felt out of place in my body - never felt the urge to diet or lose weight, basically, I liked how I looked. But recently, I have noticed I am super out of shape, trouble going up and down stairs, walking with dd around the lake, etc. I also have a horrible family history littered with diabetes and high blood pressure. So, being that I am not getting any younger. (Hmpf) I decided I needed to get back into the gym - the weight loss is a side thing for me, the workouts being the most important.

I have kept a few things in smaller sizes from years past, but not that much, so I am kinda hodgepodging it together. And since I am still losing, I am not ready to invest in a new wardrobe.

So, I am going to try and pop in every now and again, but for now, we are going to call this a semi-hiatus. :-)

Here is a recent pic! Jacket tank and pants are all from the Loft.


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