Hey everyone - Its back to the cold weather basics for me! Sweaters and scarves seem to be my life these days. Hoping for the sun to come ba...

Basic Stuff

18:59 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey everyone -

Its back to the cold weather basics for me! Sweaters and scarves seem to be my life these days. Hoping for the sun to come back soon.

I know everyone has been asked, but do you guys have any resolutions? I usually don't do resolutions, but I thought I would try it this year. So I came up with one. I plan to try and wean myself off regular soda. I drink ALOT of soda. Like 2-3 cokes a day, every day. So, my big resolution is to cut waaay back. Exciting no? :-P

Also - glad to see you guys signing up for the big $130 CSN giveaway! I was really excited about that one. I have a few other cool giveaways coming up, one starting later this week, in fact, so hope you like giveaways!

All items older and OOS
Sweater - Talbots
Pants - Talbots
Tee - Talbots
Shoes - Chadwicks
Scarf - Ahem, Talbots

As always, thank you for reading!


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