My friend and I were laughing.... I wore this to the grocery store, and for errands. I don't get out a whole lot working at home, and I ...

Riding Somewhere?

19:00 Unknown 0 Comments

My friend and I were laughing.... I wore this to the grocery store, and for errands. I don't get out a whole lot working at home, and I love wearing fun stuff like this. :-P

Anyways, this jacket is the bulk of what I picked up during the Loft $50 off $100 Facebook coupon and I thought it was very nautical in the store. But when I brought it home, it was sooo preppy lol! Love it.

These are some super cheap boots I got from Avenue last year. They fit really well, and were like $30 or something like that. Kimberly was talking about great boot deals there recently as well.

 Jacket - Loft $50
 Riding Pants - Talbots $20
 Blouse - Loft (Spring 10) $30
Boots - Avenue $30

 As Always, thank you for reading.


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