Hi everyone, its the start of a new year, and so its time to make some new goals. As some of you know, I lost some weight over the last year...

The Weight Loss Journey Continues...

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Hi everyone, its the start of a new year, and so its time to make some new goals. As some of you know, I lost some weight over the last year or so. My before and after are above, and, its time for my after to become my before. :)

In January 2011, I decided to start putting my clothing budget towards a personal trainer, and got into a gym. I am 5'2, and I started at 227 lbs. My trainer and I set a goal of 180, which I was then to maintain for a few months before setting a new goal. I worked out, a lot. And reset some eating habits that were not the best for me. I went to pilates twice a week, yoga once and saw my trainer twice a week. I did cardio almost every day.

I hit the 180 goal in late April 2011, and started on "maintenance" - we planned to start working towards a new goal in July or August, depending on how well maintenance went. Life always has a way of tossing out your best laid plans, and in July we moved away from North Carolina to Virginia. I always "meant" to go sign up for a gym, but let life got too busy.

Well, here is it January 2012, and I still weighed in at 182.2. I don't think my trainer intended me to pause this long. LOL!

 At any rate, I have signed up for a gym, and its time to go hard in the paint again.

Now, I need to decide if I want to hire a trainer again, which was amazing, or if I should just go on my own for awhile. I still need to pick up the pilates and yoga classes, if I decide to go that route again, but what is important is that I am moving forward.

 Anyways, this isn't a weight loss blog, so I will stop there for now, but hope you don't mind if I share progress notes with you from time to time. You can help keep me honest. :)

I suppose this counts as my New Year's Resolution, and thanks for reading my ramble!


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